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Chaplaincy in the Workplace

This page celebrates ways Christians are involved in their workplace.


LICC Vision Tour

How would Jesus do your job? How would he reply to that email? How would he handle that tricky meeting? Howโ€ฆ


Change of leadership at Jericho

After 20 years, Richard Beard (pictured below right) will be handing over the reins as Chief Executive of JERICHO atโ€ฆ


Market Chaplaincy

Volunteer chaplain Gavin Page writes: โ€˜Itโ€™s that time of year again when the Frankfurt Christmas Market returns to Birmingham Cityโ€ฆ


Upcoming events

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Useful Links


Do you work in Birmingham city centre?

If so, you may be interested in ChaplaincyPlus who bring together working people by organising a variety of inspiring events throughout the year. They support Christians in their workplace by seeking to provide a neutral and safe space to explore issues of life and work whatever a personโ€™s belief or background.

Consider becoming a volunteer Workplace Chaplain

CIGB supports a team of volunteer Christians from different backgrounds who visit people in their place of work to offer friendship and support. Each year they offer a training course for new volunteer chaplains.

Other Chaplaincy teams serve across Birmingham and Solihull in different areas of work, including Hospitals, WMPolice, Univerities, Further Education and Prisons.



If you work in Birmingham city centre ChaplaincyPlus

To learn about workplace chaplaincy CIGB