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‘Together 22’ festival

Salvation Army officers and soldiers from around the UK will gather in Birmingham during the weekend Friday 15 to Sunday 17 July. The ‘Together 22’ festival will combine prayer, music, worship, seminars and the commissioning of new officers, as well as a number of fringe events. The festival will carry the theme ‘Love God, Love Others,’ based on Jesus’ commandments ‘love the Lord your God’ and ‘love your neighbour as yourself’ (Matthew 22:37–39).

The festival weekend will begin with an hour-long prayer walk through the city centre, departing from the Birmingham Salvation Army Citadel at 5.00pm on Friday 15 July. This will be followed by a concert at the Rep Studio Theatre, featuring the Salvation Army’s International Staff Band, International Staff Songsters and guest soloist Charlie Green. Events on Saturday 16 July begin with a Parkrun at Edgbaston Reservoir at 9.00am and a Bible study at the Rep Theatre at 10.30am. Saturday afternoon events include workshops at the Rep Theatre; foyer concerts and seminars at the ICC; busking and sports in Brindley Place. Three short concerts will be held at the ICC from 6.00pm on Saturday evening. The commissioning of new Salvation Army officers will take place at the ICC at 10.30am on Sunday 17 July. The ‘Together 22’ weekend of events will conclude with a service focusing on mission and ministry, to be held at the ICC.

A full listing of the weekend’s events can be found HERE. Regular updates concerning Festival 22 can be found at THIS FACEBOOK PAGE. The commissioning service at 10.30am on Sunday morning, together with the ‘All Together’ final gathering at 3.00pm on Sunday afternoon, will be live-streamed via THIS LINK.


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