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Time4Brum’s call to prayer

The Time4Brum network is calling Christians in Birmingham to unite in prayer this autumn.


In response to the fear, hatred and division witnessed on the streets of West Midlands towns and cities in the past few weeks, Time4Brum has issued a call to unite in prayer for the peace of Birmingham during the month of September. 

The Christian church rallies to the call of the Old Testament prophet Jeremiah, who wrote to the exiled remnants of God’s people in Babylon, ‘Seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the LORD for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper’ (Jeremiah 29.7).  The original Hebrew word translated into English as ‘prosper’ was shalom, which indicates prosperity, safety, wellbeing and blessing. Time4Brum believes that Christians should be praying for Birmingham to have great shalom in our streets and in our hearts, that is, an awareness of God’s love and purpose, and a confidence in his protection. 

There are two opportunities for united prayer in September: 

  • A prayer meeting via Zoom from 8.00am to 9.00am on Wednesday 4 September (Details and registration HERE). 
  • A City Leaders’ prayer gathering at Birmingham City Church from 8.15am to 9.30am on Thursday 19 September (Details and registration HERE). 


From 6:00pm to 7:30pm on Sunday 20 October, a Service of Celebration, Consecration and Commissioning will be held at Trinity@Birmingham, 150 Coventry Road, Small Heath B10 0SE. 

The service will focus on three key areas: 

  • To celebrate and share what God has been doing among young people across the City of Birmingham.
  • To consecrate the city, praying for God’s peace in the streets, schools and homes. 
  • To commission the Church to serve and bless its children and young people in a new and powerful way. There will be prayer for those engaged in youth work and children’s work, for parents and grandparents as they release blessing across the generations. This will be a special moment to unite in prayer and commitment for the next generation.

More details of the Service of Celebration, Consecration and Commissioning to be held on Sunday 20 October can be found HERE

To read more about Time4Brum’s backstory, aim and vision, visit

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