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Thy Kingdom Come

Thy Kingdom Come is a global ecumenical prayer movement that invites Christians around the world to pray for more people to come to know Jesus. What started in 2016 as an invitation from the Archbishops of Canterbury and York to the Church of England has grown into an international and ecumenical call to prayer.

Join the Global Wave of Prayer from 18th – 28th May

The story so far:


Since it began in May 2016, God has grown TKC from a dream of possibility into a movement which unites more than a million Christians in prayer, in nearly 90% of countries worldwide, across 85 different denominations and traditions- so that friends and family, neighbours and colleagues might come to faith in Jesus Christ.

Every person, household and church are encouraged to pray during the 11 days in their own way.

It is our hope & prayer, that those who have not yet heard the Good News of Jesus Christ and His love for the world, will hear it for themselves and respond and follow Him.

Specifically, we again invite each and every Christian across the globe to pray that God’s Spirit might work in the lives of 5 people who have not responded with their ‘Yes’ to God’s call.

Whether you have joined in ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ before or not, we invite you to take part & join in.

About Us | Thy Kingdom Come


Resources are available for your Church, for Families and for Individuals. These can be ordered HERE

If you are seeking fresh ideas for 2023 then one such resource is 23 ideas for 2023, this can be downloaded HERE 

  1. Continuous Worship and Prayer
  2. Say one for Me
  3. Pilgrimages
  4. Children’s Trails
  5. Prayer and Care
  6. Bow Down
  7. Pray on the Hills
  8. Beacon Events
  9. Morning, Evening and Night Prayers
  10. Prayer Stations
  11. Prayer Spaces
  12. Prayer Crafts
  13. Spread across the region
  14. Prayer Beads
  15. Upper Room
  16. Big Prayer Picnic
  17. Daily Prayers online together
  18. Prayer Walk
  19. Open Door
  20. Postcard Prayer Project
  21. Silent Prayer
  22. Communal Prayer Book
  23. Pray for Five

If you are involved in Thy Kingdom Come use the #ThyKingdomCome to share your prayers and experiences with others.

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