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Statements following the stabbings over the weekend

A series of stabbings took place in the City Centre in the early hours of Sunday morning, as a result of which one person died and seven others were seriously injured. Following the incident, the Most Revd Bernard Longley (Roman Catholic Archbishop of Birmingham) and the Right Revd David Urquhart (Anglican Bishop of Birmingham), issued the following joint statement:

‘Our thoughts, and the thoughts and prayers of many people, are with those who have died or been seriously injured overnight in the city of Birmingham. We pray also for their families and friends – and for the emergency services and for all that they are called to do in response to these shocking events.

At this time when the health and well-being of the people of our city is already uppermost in our minds, we pray that all who live and work in Birmingham and those who visit can be reassured about the safety of our popular city. Birmingham is a great city and it is shaped by many diverse communities working together and overcoming challenges and differences. We cherish and pray for its peace today.’

Councillor John Cotton, Cabinet Member for Social Inclusion, Community Safety and Equalities at Birmingham City Council, issued a letter which contained the following:

‘The police have confirmed that at this stage the stabbings are not thought to be related to terrorism or hate crime, but the stabbings are being treated as linked. We are working closely with the Police to understand the motivation of the attacker and to establish what happened.

Following the release of images of the suspect, we are aware that communities will be feeling concerned and worried and that there may be speculation regarding the background and motivation of the individual. I want us all to be absolutely clear that whilst the police continue with their investigation, any such speculation is wholly inappropriate.

I also want to make clear that there is no room in Birmingham for this level of violence, and ask that everyone remains calm, but vigilant, and follows guidance from the Police.’

We pray for the family and friends of the deceased man, for those injured and for all affected by the tragic events of Sunday morning.

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