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Season of Creation

The Season of Creation is marked by Churches around the country – and the world – between 1 September and 4 October each year. The theme for the 2024 Season of Creation is ‘To hope and act with creation.’

During the Season of Creation we are encouraged to:

  • pray, hope and act for a sustainable future
  • engage in prophetic action for our common home drawing on the riches of our biblical and theological understanding
  • commit and follow up on our responsibilities as co-creatures and carers with Creation.
  • focus on building encounters, rather than events, to cultivate listening in the spirit of ecumenism
  • take part in a joint advocacy initiative to support the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty which calls for a halt to new fossil fuel projects

More information about the Season of Creation, together with resources, prayers and a list of supporting Churches, can be found HERE.

ChaplaincyPlus autumn events

‘ChaplaincyPlus’ was formed in 2003 as a Christian organisation to support the Birmingham business community, for people of all faiths…


Workplace Chaplaincy Training Course

Do you have a few hours to spare each week? Are you looking for a way to volunteer in the…

22 May 2024

Science and Faith

Following on from the successful Science and faith in the Second City lectures organised by ChaplaincyPlus in 2022 we are…