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Safe Families for Children

Safe Families for Children is a growing Christian Charity which is currently partnering with 38 local authorities around the country to equip over 1,000 churches to bring hope and belonging to families and young people. More than 12,000 children and over 5,000 families have been supported so far. Faith is central to the DNA of Safe Families, who believe in a God that can transform lives and do immeasurably more than we could ask or imagine.

The West Midlands Safe Families team equips and supports churches and community groups to offer hope to isolated families across Birmingham and the Black Country. The need for physical, social, and spiritual support is great and Safe Families is working with new families every day. Initially, many families feel that they are unloved, forgotten and unnoticed. Friends of Safe Families give them the gifts of God’s hope and presence, of being noticed and heard. In this way, Safe Families sees lives changed each and every week. Safe Families’ workers experience the difference brought about by real connection. Every day they witness hope being restored and lives turned round.

Safe Families is currently looking for churches and individual friends in Birmingham to partner with them in the following ways:

  • Praying for families by signing up as a prayer partner
  • Supporting local families by making phone calls
  • Helping with practical needs such as creating craft packs or delivering emergency items

For more information about Safe Families’ work in Birmingham and the Black Country, contact Community Volunteer Manager Helen at THIS ADDRESS, or by phoning 07387 417210. Watch a short introduction to Safe Families by Helen HERE. Visit the Safe Families website HERE.

Each month, Safe Families runs an online ‘Half an hour of Hope’ event. The next two meetings will take place on Thursdays 18 February and 18 March. On both occasions they will run from 7.45pm to 8.15pm. Tickets for the event of Thursday 18 February can be obtained via THIS LINK and for the event of Thursday 18 March via THIS LINK.


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