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Restore’s Autumn Training Course

Now more than ever, it is imperative that we help people seeking asylum and refugees feel welcome in Birmingham.

Restore needs more volunteers to befriend refugees and asylum seekers who benefit from being welcomed, having the opportunity to practice their English and getting to know someone from the community.  Befriending reduces isolation and loneliness and improves mood, well-being and mental health.

A befriended refugee wrote of the impact of befriending, “As I am a refugee and I live alone and I’m new to the UK, Befriending is very helpful to those who are the same as me. My Befriender gave me a big opportunity to have emotional support, discuss anything about the UK and help to improve my language and life.” 

The next training course will take place on consecutive Wednesday evenings 9, 16 and 23 October from 7.15pm to 9.15pm.

Details of the training course can be found here

To sign up to the training course, please click here.  

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