Market Chaplaincy
Volunteer chaplain Gavin Page writes: ‘It’s that time of year again when the Frankfurt Christmas Market returns to Birmingham City…
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‘Restore,’ a ministry of Birmingham Churches Together, is celebrating the 21st anniversary of its formation in 1999. ‘Restore’s vision is ‘for a society into which all refugees and asylum seekers are welcomed, valued and integrated. Unable to hold its annual celebration due to Covid-19, Restore has produced a short video of its work, featuring refugees, asylum seekers and befrienders. Watch the video HERE.
Restore has also published its annual report for 2019, detailing its progress during the year. Highlights include the development of its befriending service and group social activities. Read the report HERE.
Over the last few months, the work of Restore has continued almost with a pause, although much of the work has moved to an online platform. Befriending connections are being made on a continual basis. Volunteers from Solihull Welcome raised more than £1,500 for Restore through completing the 2.6 Challenge. A grant of £20,836 from the National Lottery’s Community Fund will enable Restore’s Befriending support for refugees and asylum seekers through the Covid-19 pandemic to continue.
Restore has a staff team of four people – Jeremy, Rachel, Andy and Geraldine. Read more about Restore’s ministry to refugees and asylum seekers via THIS LINK.