Change of leadership at Jericho
After 20 years, Richard Beard (pictured below right) will be handing over the reins as Chief Executive of JERICHO at…
Pray24Brum - Find Out More
Annual Celebration
Wednesday 3rd July
7.15pm – 9.15pm
St Martin in the Bullring
Restore is a project of Birmingham Churches Together and works with refugees and asylum seekers in Birmingham, Solihull, and Smethwick. Their vision is for a society into which all refugees and asylum seekers are welcomed, valued, and integrated.
The befriending scheme involves the training and matching of trained volunteers with recently arrived refugees and asylum seekers to provide flexible, one-to-one relational support.
This year Restore marks 25 years and so in July they invite you to join their celebration.
To learn more about the impact of Befriending work visit their website HERE.
For those interested in befriending, we ask that you attend all three of our in-person training sessions at The Rep Theatre, Birmingham. The dates, times and topics covered are:
Week 1: Tuesday 11th June 2024, 7:15pm – 9:15pm
An overview of global refugee issues and the situation in the UK, introduction to Restore and befriending, including input a volunteer befriender.
Week 2: Tuesday 18th June 2024, 7:15pm – 9:15pm
An overview of the asylum application process and refugee resettlement schemes, including a refugee sharing their experience of the asylum process.
Week 3: Tuesday 25th June 2024, 7:15pm – 9:15pm
Practicalities of befriending: guidelines, boundaries, safeguarding, support, contact with and feedback to Restore and how to apply.
You are welcome to attend if you are interested in becoming a befriender or if you interested in learning more about people seeking asylum and refugees. Those interested in befriending opt into the application process at the end of the course.
To sign up, please register using this link:
For further information, please contact