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Racial Reconciliation, Repentance and Restoration

The co-leaders of ‘Time4Change,’ the anti-racism movement that brings together senior leaders from Birmingham’s historic Churches, Black-Majority Churches and new Churches, have issued an urgent call to the leaders of Birmingham’s congregations to make Sunday 17 October 2021 a special day on the journey to Racial Repentance, Reconciliation and Restoration. On that day, congregations are requested to focus on the issue of racism during their Sunday morning service(s) and to join a large inter-Church gathering at 4.00pm on the same afternoon.

Time4Change co-chairs the Right Revd David Urquhart (Bishop of Birmingham) and Pastor Calvin Young (Mount Zion Christian Centre, Aston) write,
‘From the very start, it became clear that the issue of repentance, forgiveness and healing is not something we should rush into. We needed to spend time in prayer, to build relationships and to educate ourselves. We also needed to better understand the history, impact and significance of racism, and how our repentance would be meaningful and impactful. We have come to understand that racism is not just systemic within our country and culture, but has deep-seated hatred at its core, which can only be effectively addressed by the Church of Jesus Christ. We have already reached some big milestones in the form of discussion, city-wide online prayer and the launch of the Birmingham Churches Anti-Racism Charter (Link HERE).

‘As part of the ongoing journey to eradicate racism from Church and society, we have earmarked Sunday 17 October as a day when Black, White, and Asian Christians from across the city and region will put a stake into the heart of the sin of racism. It will be a day to highlight historical and contemporary racism within the Church and to seek forgiveness from God and each other, in order to change attitudes and lead to lasting transformation. ‘We ask you to join us and God’s Church on 17 October, so that scores of churches focus their morning services on the war on racism, and then later that same day, to participate in a joint act of repentance and unity across Birmingham and surrounding areas. Racism has to end. Unity needs to grow. It’s a big ask, but together – with God’s guidance – we can do it.’

Details of resources to be used in worship on the morning of Sunday 17 October are to follow shortly, as is the venue for the 4.00pm joint Repentance, Forgiveness, Healing and Restoration Service. However, you can register your intention to be involved in the landmark events of Sunday 17 October by clicking HERE. Churches which have already signed up to be involved in the joint service of Repentance, Reconciliation and Restoration include Birmingham City Church, the Birmingham Methodist Circuit, Gas Street Church, Perry Beeches Baptist Church, Elim Life Church North Birmingham, Connect Church and the Redeemed Christian Church of God’s Erdington Parish.

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