Change of leadership at Jericho
After 20 years, Richard Beard (pictured below right) will be handing over the reins as Chief Executive of JERICHO at…
Pray24Brum - Find Out More
United Christian Broadcasters reports that the current average number of phone calls per day to its ‘Prayerline’ ministry is in excess of 400, with many more than this on some days. The telephone lines are open between 9.00am and 10.00pm from Monday to Friday inclusive, and between 10.00am and 6.00pm each Saturday. Outside these hours (or while staffed by an operator) a caller can leave a voicemail prayer request. In addition to phone calls, other prayer requests arrive by e-mail and post.
The Prayerline service is not a counselling or advice service, but is wholeheartedly a prayer ministry, whose motto is ‘Praying with you, praying for you.’ Prayerline volunteers have noted that calls over the last two years have changed in nature and now often demand a lengthier time of listening and response in prayer. UCB Prayerline is currently staffed by 126 volunteers, each of whom commit two hours per week to the work from the comfort of their own home. Volunteers receive training and support from UCB Prayerline coordinators.
Read more about the work of UCB Prayerline HERE. Request prayer from the service by ringing 01782 363000. To register interest in becoming a Prayerline volunteer, e-mail To enquire about the possibility of a visit from Carl Finnan, Prayerline’s Development Lead, e-mail Carl is willing to present the ministry of UCB Prayerline to church services, small group meetings and/or individuals by arrangement. Find links to UCB’s radio stations HERE. Access UCB’s Word for Today and other written resources via THIS LINK.