Change of leadership at Jericho
After 20 years, Richard Beard (pictured below right) will be handing over the reins as Chief Executive of JERICHO at…
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Since the ‘Black Lives Matter’ protests in the Spring, a group of Birmingham Christian leaders has been praying and talking together to address issues surrounding racial injustice in the midlands. The online meetings have involved significant leaders from the city’s historic Churches, its new Churches and its Black-majority Churches. The title ‘Time4Change’ has been chosen to reflect the group’s declared intention to see real and lasting change.
All the Time4Change leaders agree that the solution to racial injustice can be found only by people of all backgrounds and ethnicities working together to address the issues. All agree that the Christian church has to be strong in the struggle against racial discrimination. All agree that the Church has to ensure that its own house is in order, if it is to give a lead in wider society. And all agree that removing all racial discrimination from the Christian church is a vital step on the journey to greater unity in the Body of Christ.
In pursuit of this vision, Time4Change is to run an online prayer meeting next Sunday, 25 October 2020, beginning at 7.00pm. The Time4Change leaders are calling Christians of every background, location and ethnicity to join in the prayer gathering, in order to commit to a statement of intent to bring about change in the church in Birmingham/Solihull – and in society at large. The prayer meeting will be hosted by Bishops David Urquhart (Diocese of Birmingham), Deverton Douglas (New Testament Church of God) and Desmond Jaddoo (West Midlands Faith in Action); Pastors Mark Ryan (Birmingham City Church), Calvin Young (Mount Zion Community Church) and Adrian Hurst (Oasis Church); Neville Fletcher, Steve Botham (Gather Network) and Nathan Dennis (First Class Legacy).
Join the Time4Change prayer meeting for racial equality and Christian unity at 7.00pm on Sunday 25 October via the Birmingham City Leaders’ Prayer Facebook Page HERE or the Birmingham City Leaders’ Prayer YouTube Channel HERE.