WorkCare West Midlands
‘WorkCare West Midlands‘ (WWM) is a new ecumenical Christian CIO formed by the merger of ‘Coventry and Warwickshire WorkCare’ and…
Pray24Brum - Find Out More
Pray24Brum held each year during the week of Prayer for Christian Unity is an opportunity for Churches and Christians to come together to pray for our city, to create a canopy of prayer.
For 2025 we shall be moving out of the city centre and are being hosted by Trinity Church Birmingham (150 Coventry Road, B10 0SE)
Pray24Brum will take place on the 24th and 25th January 2025. Please put those dates in your diaries now and consider whether your nearest Churches Together group would like to lead an hour of prayer.
Each year #Pray24Brum is a chance to celebrate the depth and breadth of the Christian and Ecumenical community of Birmingham.
If your Churches Together group is interested in leading an hour or prayer, or finding out more, please contact Maud Grainger on
Do you have a few hours to spare each week? Are you looking for a way to volunteer in the…