Change of leadership at Jericho
After 20 years, Richard Beard (pictured below right) will be handing over the reins as Chief Executive of JERICHO at…
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Following a Prophetic Conference held in Reading in February 2020, a network of ‘New Carmel Prophetic Hubs’ has developed around the UK. The leaders of the New Carmel network are Sue Winyard and Revd Yinka Oyekan (former President of the Baptist Union). Yinka and Sue give an introduction to the New Carmel Prophetic Hub in a short video accessible HERE. National Team member Roger Grassham provides a further insight into the network HERE.
The Birmingham Hub, one of the eight in the network, has been meeting for the past 18 months. Its aim is to bring together Christians with a heart for the prophetic and apostolic leaders across the city. The Hub is coordinated by Sharon Jones, Administration and Communications Officer for the Heart of England Baptist Association. The Hub will hold a 90-minute online gathering at 7.30pm on Thursday 9 February, providing an opportunity to learn more, or to share what you believe the Lord is saying and doing in Birmingham at this time. Meeting information and registration can be found HERE.
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