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LICC Vision Tour

How would Jesus do your job? How would he reply to that email? How would he handle that tricky meeting? How would he chat at the coffee machine?

In 2025, the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity (LICC) is continuing its tour of UK cities to show how living as disciples can transform the way Christians see and understand their daily work – and to explore how LICC can partner with Christians to make a difference at this pivotal moment in our culture.

LICC is partnering with ChaplaincyPlus, a Birmingham-based charity supporting and resourcing Christians in workplaces across the city, to put on a special event at Shakespeare Martineau Solicitors, 1 Colmore Square, Birmingham B4 6AA, on Thursday 8 May. Refreshments will be available from 5.30pm. The event will kick off at 6.00pm and be wrapped up by 7.30pm.

Over 90 minutes, LICC leaders will unpack what the Bible says about the value of our everyday tasks, hear live testimonies of how local people are making a difference with Jesus in their Monday-to-Saturday lives and learn from each other about what it looks like to follow Christ wherever we are, whatever we do.

Whether you’re in paid work or not, about to graduate or retired, you’ll be inspired to see the deep purpose your ordinary work, relationships, and tasks have in God’s eyes – and how you can join in his kingdom mission in all of them.

Information and tickets are available via THIS LINK. Read more about LICC HERE and about the work of ChaplaincyPlus HERE.

LICC Vision Tour

How would Jesus do your job? How would he reply to that email? How would he handle that tricky meeting? How…


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