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Let’s talk mental health

We are in a mental health crisis. Many of us are still reeling from the effects of the pandemic.

You’ve probably heard the saying ‘a problem shared is a problem halved’ – there’s some truth in that. Publicly talking about mental health helps break the stigma. Honest conversations can bring hope, healing and freedom for people who are struggling.

The next Science and Faith event ‘My Mental Health and Spiritually’ with guest speaker Rev Prof John Swinton will help do just that.

In his book, Finding Jesus in the storm; the spiritual lives of Christians with mental health challenges, John shares the reality of mental health struggles and how Jesus walks alongside us through the storms.

John’s unique background will contribute new insights into the spiritual dimension to mental health. He contends that mental health problems require theological understanding and not just medical intervention. In his talk, John will identify fresh perspectives for a person-centric approach to care, healing, recovery, and community, incorporating the significance of spirituality within these processes.

Guest speaker John Swinton is professor of practical theology and pastoral care at the University of Aberdeen. He is the founding director of Aberdeen’s centre for spirituality, health and disability. He worked as a nurse for sixteen years within the fields of mental health and learning disabilities, and later as a community mental health chaplain. He is also an ordained minister in the Church of Scotland.

Whether you have an interest in the topic, are a church leader, or want to bring a friend along, come join the conversation on Thursday 29th September 7.30pm at Novotel on Broad Street, or on livestream. Book your place on the Science and Faith website here. (

The Science and Faith project is a collaboration of churches from across Birmingham passionate about equipping Christians to engage with the idea that science and the Christian faith can work together.

The Science and Faith event series has been designed for both church leaders and Christians across the city to grow in their discipleship and evangelism. The project is administered by the charity ChaplaincyPlus.

Book onto ‘My Mental Health and Spirituality’ HERE.

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