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Get Real (Mens Event)

It’s time to ‘Get Real’ about being men!

God created man and said it was VERY GOOD, but what does it even mean to be a man? How can we live as one after God’s own heart just as King David did? Get Real is the space for these questions, for answers, for community and for ministry specifically for men!

We want to create a space for men to come together and explore what it looks like to be a Jesus-loving-man in the 21st Century. How do we live out our God given identity to lead in our life, our families, our workplaces and businesses etc.

We are gathering from 9am – 3pm on Saturday 21st May at Chroma Church, Aston Birmingham for a day of connection. There’ll be lunch and refreshments provided, some input and discussion times, worship and ministry!

Tickets cost £10 and includes a light lunch

email Matt on to book your place