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‘Easter in a Box’

Birmingham Schools Connection is partnering with their colleagues at Bristol Schools Connection to offer churches in and around Birmingham an introduction to the resource ‘Easter in a Box – The Movie.’ Free, one-hour online training sessions take place on Monday 10 February and Monday 24 February.

‘Easter in a Box – The Movie’ is a simple, fresh and imaginative way for churches to share the Easter story with their local schools. Children are invited to imagine that they are on a movie set, watching the filming of ‘Easter – The Movie.’ The movie plot, based on the biblical account of Easter, is revealed to the children as they unpack six boxes, each containing props from a scene in the film.

For each scene, the children:

■ look at a cast list and handle the props

■ hear and imagine the scene being filmed

■ discuss the emotions they felt

■ wonder and reflect on what they have learnt and can apply to their own lives, whatever their worldview.

It is an easy resource to use and can be facilitated by local church volunteers.

‘Easter in a Box’ enables children to explore two key questions:

■ What do Christians believe ABOUT the Easter Story?

■ What can I learn FROM the Easter Story and apply to my life?

It provides a simple, interactive, multisensory spiritual development and learning opportunity for children of all faiths and none, as they are invited to make their own meaning from the story and apply it to their lives. It develops pupils’ knowledge and understanding of Christian belief about the Easter Story and provokes reflection, questioning, responding, expressing and application of what they learn.  It enriches the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils by encouraging reflection, understanding and celebrating difference and respect for people who are different to me.  It encourages good mental health and wellbeing through activities which promote reflection, noticing emotions, celebration, empathy and hope.

The introduction and training sessions will take place online at 7.30pm on Monday 10 February and at 1.30pm on Monday 24 February. The training, user guide and downloadable resources needed to run ‘Easter in a Box – the Movie’ in your local school are free. Links to the props and other physical resources for churches to purchase and prepare are provided.

Find out more about ‘Easter in a Box – the Movie’ HERE. Watch an introductory video via THIS LINK. Sign up for the online training HERE.

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