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Difference Course

Difference is a five-session course for you to run exploring following Jesus in a conflicted world. Coventry Diocese is hosting an online Difference course. Open to anyone attending.

How do we integrate the reconciling heart of the gospel into our daily patterns of our prayer, thought, speech and action?

Rosie shares her experience reflecting on her practice and learning.

Daily habits are key influencers for these spaces of everyday life and relationships. In the Difference course, we’re going to be looking at the practice of reconciliation through the lens of three habits: Be Curious, Be Present and Reimagine. Reflect on how are they already part of us and how they may be strengthened to help build flourishing relationships.

Check it out for yourself or share this resource starting 5th November through this link

This is a hybrid course so:
• The first (Tues 5th Nov) and last (Tues 10th Dec) sessions will be on Zoom
• Between these Zoom sessions there will be four sessions to be completed independently using an online portal each week. This means you can choose when in the week you do each session.

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