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City Vibes

City Vibes is a 20s-30s Christian social group, bringing people together for genuine friendship and discipleship conversations for all Christians in their 20s and 30s within Birmingham.

Sponsored by ChaplaincyPlus, City Vibes is a growing community often located in the city centre for events and socials. However, as we continue to expand we aim to support those within the City Vibes community in their own events and lives. Part of that growth comes in partnering with local churches and their 20s-30s ministries, seeking to support those ministries and build a more intricate network of discipleship and social support for 20s-30s Christians in Birmingham.

On the first Tuesday of every month City Vibes hosts a Coffee & Cake social which incorporates both the networking and discipleship conversations from 18:00-19:30 in the city centre. It’s a great place to meet other working Christians in the city who are in the same peer group and find some fulfilling conversation and amazing cakes.

  • Does your church have a 20s-30s ministry who would like to become connected and growing with other Christian peers?
  • Do you have events you’d like to promote on a broader scale?

We’d love to connect with you and broadcast those ministries and socials together.

For more information:

visit the MeetUp Group

or our Facebook page at

the website at

or contact Steve Bavington

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