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Church Leaders’ Joint Statement

21 senior leaders of Churches based in and around the West Midlands have signed a joint statement ahead of the General Election of 4 July.

In the joint statement, the Church leaders acknowledge the sacrifice involved for all who offer themselves for election to public office. They encourage each Parliamentary candidate to commit to work to eradicate systemic poverty, to build an immigration system that operates with compassion, justice, transparency and speed in its decision-making, and to support efforts to create an environmentally sustainable future.

The joint statement also includes gratitude for the work of faith-based organisations and prayer for a different future. It concludes with an appeal that people of faith engage with the General Election and continue to pray for political leaders.

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Volunteer chaplain Gavin Page writes: ‘It’s that time of year again when the Frankfurt Christmas Market returns to Birmingham City…


WorkCare West Midlands

‘WorkCare West Midlands‘ (WWM) is a new ecumenical Christian CIO formed by the merger of ‘Coventry and Warwickshire WorkCare’ and…