Ending Child Poverty
On Sunday 23 March, senior Faith leaders from across the country issued an urgent call for the government to be…
Pray24Brum - Find Out More
The next ‘Fulfil’ gathering for 11 to 18-year-olds will take place on Friday 14 March at Mount Zion Community Church,…
For 25 years, the Hand-in-Hand conference has been at the forefront of equipping and connecting children and family ministry leaders…
Each autumn, Christians, churches and Christian ministries across Birmingham have gathered to respond to the prayer of Jesus that his…
Church leaders, Youth leaders and youth work volunteers are invited to a gathering of the UNITE Midlands Youth Leaders Network…
The Time4Brum network is calling Christians in Birmingham to unite in prayer this autumn. SEPTEMBER In response to the fear,…
The Feast exists to help young people of different faiths and cultures to live well in an increasingly diverse and…
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