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Birmingham Passion Play: confirmed for 2021

Last Easter Saltmine Theatre Company and friends premiered the Birmingham Passion Play 2019 live in central Birmingham. It provided a powerful glimpse into the reality of God, and seeing the crowds (over 3,000 in total) grow as we processed up New Street dancing and singing, ‘God on the Street, God on the Street, The Liberator is here, The Liberator is here, Jesus, Jesus’, was unforgettable.


Testimonies from the Birmingham Passion Play 2019 have been humbling and beautiful to hear, and we believe it is right to extend the legacy further with a second Birmingham Passion Play. However, owing to extensive building development work around Victoria Square and the City Centre in preparation for the Commonwealth Games 2022, in discussion with the Council we have made a decision to go for 2021.

Therefore, Tuesday 30th, Wednesday 31stMarch and Thursday 1stApril 2021 have been booked in the Birmingham Council and Cathedral diaries.

For 2021 we are looking for more church partnership and are asking 100 churches and individuals to pledge £500 each.

Currently we have 43 pledged partners. Can you become one of the 57 new partners for the Birmingham Passion Play 2021?

Please email me –

With thanks and blessings
Rachael Orrell, CEO Saltmine Trust

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