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Birmingham City Mission’s Sponsored Sleepout

On Friday 24 February 2023, Birmingham City mission is inviting people to spend the night outside in a cardboard box, in order to raise awareness of what it is really like to sleep rough – and to raise money for BCM’s work with the homeless in the city.

Birmingham City Mission’s Sponsored Sleepout is an annual event when up to 100 hardy souls raise funds for our work with homeless people at the Care and Resource Centres. Participants from all ages come along for a hard, but also fun, night out in the elements in winter. Come wrapped up warm and ready for the cold – they’ll provide the doughnuts, hot soup and boxes!

‍If you would like to be a part of it, call 0121 766 6603 or email for more information and a registration form, or click on the link below.

‍You can raise sponsorship for your Sleepout by creating your own fundraising page through the Stewardship website. Birmingham City Mission’s Sleepout 2023 is set up as a project to support there.

‍If you would like a paper sponsorship form, email or call 0121 766 6603.

For more information, visit their website HERE

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