Change of leadership at Jericho
After 20 years, Richard Beard (pictured below right) will be handing over the reins as Chief Executive of JERICHO at…
Pray24Brum - Find Out More
Would you like to explore or deepen your calling to a ministry of prayer guiding – accompanying others through retreats in daily life or weeks of guided prayer?
If so, this course is for you. It takes place over eight Saturday mornings, followed by two weekends.
Full details and application:
The course looks at various aspects prayer accompaniment within the context of Ignatian spirituality.
Manresa Link is an ecumenical group in the Midlands who put on six week retreats for people in their ordinary lives (meeting them once a week).
These Ignatian retreats encourage us to nurture an intimate relationship with Jesus and open ourselves up to the graces God offers so generously.
Would you like to be involved?
You could train to accompany people on their retreat
(you must have made an Ignatian retreat, either in daily life or residentially).
Manresa Link invites you to take part in a basic training course in Birmingham for 8 Saturday mornings from:
26th September to November 21st (excluding October 31st) 2020
and 2 weekends:
January 16th /17th 2021
January 30th/31st 2021.
Full details and application: