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Advent Resources

Church of England

The Church of England’s theme for Advent and Christmas 2024, Follow the Star: Calm and Bright, draws on the world-famous carol, Silent Night:

“Silent Night! Holy Night!
All is calm, all is bright…”

One of the reasons that this carol is so universally loved is the way it invites us into the still centre of the Christmas story, to contemplate Mary holding the new-born Jesus, the Light of the World.

Follow the Star: Calm and Bright | The Church of England



Methodist Church

Hush the Noise: Join the love song this Christmas

Christmas is loud, isn’t it? So much expectation. So many voices. Telling us how to celebrate, what to wear, what to eat and drink, what to watch and what to buy.

Instead, this Christmas we’re inviting everyone to hush the noise. To listen for the love song that the angels bring, this and every year. They sang it for the first time more than 2,000 years ago, on the midnight clear. They’re just waiting for us to join in.

Advent and Christmas Resources – Methodist Church



United Reformed Church

Step into the Story

The Advent Pack, Step into the Story, invites everyone to recognise that they too are part of God’s big story; Jesus came for each individual person, no matter when or where they were born or lived, no matter who they are. The Nativity Story is a story about many different nationalities and ethnicities and all around the world, the birth of Jesus is recognised and celebrated by people of all ages.

Advent Pack 2024 – United Reformed Church



Salvation Army

This Advent season we want to take time to remember that the light of the world has come. In a simple stable two millennia ago, light broke out through the draughty cracks and spread across the whole world. We want to recognise that although there are still many ways that the world feels like it is in darkness, we can look forward to the fact that the light of the world will come. And we want to open our eyes to all the ways that light overcomes darkness, and consider how we can all look for that light, point it out, radiate it and belong to it.

Advent 2024 | Salvationist



Mission Together

Mission Together is the children’s branch of Missio – the Catholic Church’s official children’s charity for overseas mission. 

The season of Advent begins four Sundays before Christmas and is a time of prayerful preparation. During Advent we recall the Israelites’ long wait for the Messiah’s birth and remember that Jesus was born into the world and will come again. Each year Mission Together produce engaging resources to help children keep Jesus at the heart of this exciting season.

Advent resources – Mission Together



Christian Aid

As we celebrate the coming of the Prince of Peace, we take the time to pray for our brothers and sisters around the world, especially those living in situations of conflict and war.

For each Sunday of Advent, as you light a candle on your Advent Wreath, we have produced a short reflection, and a prayer from voices around world. These can be read out in your church service, or used for your own personal reflection.

Christmas Appeal 2024 – Advent | Christian Aid



Birmingham City Mission

Reverse Advent Calendar

Rather than (or as well as!) treating yourself every day through Advent, give to somebody else who needs the help.

Birmingham City Mission

LICC Vision Tour

How would Jesus do your job? How would he reply to that email? How would he handle that tricky meeting? How…


Change of leadership at Jericho

After 20 years, Richard Beard (pictured below right) will be handing over the reins as Chief Executive of JERICHO at…


Market Chaplaincy

Volunteer chaplain Gavin Page writes: ‘It’s that time of year again when the Frankfurt Christmas Market returns to Birmingham City…