Change of leadership at Jericho
After 20 years, Richard Beard (pictured below right) will be handing over the reins as Chief Executive of JERICHO at…
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‘3Generate,’ the children’s and youth assembly of the Methodist Church, will be held at the NEC from Friday 29 to Sunday 31 October inclusive. The theme for 3Generate 2021 is ‘In tune,’ exploring what it means to be in tune with each other and with God, and how everyone has a part to play as part of the Body of Christ. 3Generate is open to 8 to 23 year olds and, in a new development this year, 4 to 7 year olds and their parents/carers/significant adults are being invited into their own 3Generate space.
3Generate aims to create an inclusive and diverse space for the prophetic voice of children and young people to emerge and be heard. It enables them to speak courageously, and listen to God and each other. Through the 3Generate process, children and young people are equipped to become participants in advocacy, change and growth and have an impact in their local Methodist communities. 3Generate calls the Church ‘to listen to and be in dialogue with and amongst children and young people, so that change can happen together as a community.’
3Generate plans to make the most of its new home at the NEC by laying the main event out as a ‘3Generate Town,’ complete with immersive activities for every age and interest. It will encourage those attending to expect to encounter God everywhere – through physical activities and sport, creative and performing arts, quiet contemplation and discussion, debate and taking action as Agents of Change in the world. This will culminate in making a Sunday morning ‘covenant’ – a promise to try to act on what the children and young people have heard and experienced through the weekend. The extensive programme of meetings and events can be viewed HERE. Full details of the 2021 3Generate event can be found HERE.
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