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Landmark June gatherings

A number of landmark Christian events will take place in the Midlands during the month of June. They include (in date order): The national CHURCH OF SANCTUARY conference, which will be held at the Carrs Lane Church Centre, Birmingham B4 7SX, from 10.00am to 4.30pm on Saturday 8 June. This free conference and networking event, … Read more

400 years since the birth of George Fox (a founder of Quakerism)

This year Quakers are marking 400 years since the birth of George Fox. One of the founders of Quakerism. ‘A sincere and spirited follower of Christ, Fox challenged the unjust order of things, and led a life that continues to inspire us today. ‘George Fox was one of the founders of the group known today … Read more

Science and Faith

Following on from the successful Science and faith in the Second City lectures organised by ChaplaincyPlus in 2022 we are pleased now to be able to offer a set of free  study resources for use with church groups or for private study. The studies are based on video clips from the original talks and are … Read more

Highlights from Thrive Together Birmingham

Thrive Together Birmingham aims to support and grow the movement of individuals, churches and organisations who, motivated by their faith, are committed to addressing issues of poverty and to playing their part in helping their neighbourhoods to flourish. A charity of the Church of England Birmingham, we work with churches and people of all faiths … Read more