Pray24Brum - Find Out More

Participating in Politics

With a General Election on the horizon for 2024, how can we equip ourselves to participate. In this article we highlight a number of resources and ideas to help you and your church. Be informed. Do you know who your MP is, their voting record or written submissions? They Work For You profiles this information. When … Read more

Resources for Lent

The season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, 14 February, and runs until Maundy Thursday, 28 March 2024   Church of England   Watch and Pray “Watch and Pray challenges us to seek God in both familiar and unfamiliar places: in darkness and in quiet; in movement and migration; in the healing and transforming work of the … Read more

Racial Justice Sunday 2024

Racial Justice Sunday takes places on the 11th February 2024 and Churches are encouraged to make use of the resources for their services. Resources are available from Churches Together in Britain and Ireland and can be found HERE Resources for Racial Justice Sunday 2024 explore the movement of people from their homelands to the places … Read more

Pray24Brum: Sharing Reflections

Maud Grainger from Birmingham Churches Together shares her reflections on #Pray24Brum Over the 19th and 20th of January, Christians came together to create a canopy of prayer over the city of Birmingham and beyond. Over 24 hours different traditions led an hour of prayer to those gathered in St Philip’s Cathedral and to those joining … Read more

Centenary of Assemblies of God

On 1 February 2024, Assemblies of God in Great Britain will mark its centenary, having been formed at a meeting in Whitehead Road, Aston, on Friday 1 February 1924. Assemblies of God is one of the three original indigenous British Pentecostal Churches, alongside the Apostolic Church and the Elim Foursquare Gospel Alliance. Just 15 people … Read more

Birmingham City Mission – Sponsored Sleepout

Birmingham City Mission’s Sponsored Sleepout is an annual event when up to 100 hardy souls raise funds for our work with homeless people at the Care and Resource Centres. Taking place on February 23rd, now is the time to register your interest. To find out more and to register visit their website HERE. Stephanie Nixon … Read more

Saltmine Annual Celebration

Saltmine Trust’s Celebration Day 2024 is in a week’s time – BOOK IN NOW! You are invited to join the company for a showcase of our productions and projects – this is your chance to learn about: the impact of our Faith Motivated Arts in 2023 our plans for 2024 ways in which you can … Read more


Photos from Pray24Brum 2024 are available below and HERE Photos from 2023, taken by Matthew Neville are available HERE.   Pray24Brum takes place during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.  Pray24Brum will return on the 24th and 25th January 2025